About us
The incorporated association, Future Center Alliance Japan, FCAJ, is an organization to aim to align a variety of companies, government agencies, universities, research institutes, NPOs and others who want to make innovations, at Future Center, innovation center, or living lab.
Our purpose is to accelerate to make circumstances for innovations, so-called, Ba, and to promote our theories, researches and executions. Recently there are many companies and organizations who have Ba to make open innovation happen, but we believe that there will be no innovations if you do one workshop or any sessions like a party. When a variety of companies, government agencies, universities, research centers and others should collaborate as a plural sector, innovations will happen in the future. FCAJ holds dialogue or meeting periodically for society’s developments with mind-set of “Open Innovation 2.0”. And we enhance a collaboration between public and private sectors to establish policies at a local of national government levels.
Our history
FCAJ was established in 2012 as the Future Center Studies Group, and together with 30 different companies and organization from both public and private sectors, has been researching environments to generate innovations starting with the Future Center. In order to establish a platform that encourages not only researches but also practical usages under complicated social issues and diversified values with prompt developing technologies , in May of 2016 it became an incorporated association.
Open Innovation Program
open thinktank