Survey on the Effectiveness of Place for Innovation

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Recently, more and more companies and organizations are setting up places for innovation such as innovation centers. At the same time, there is operational issues that make it difficult to evaluate them. In light of these issues, Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ) created a tool EMIC(Evaluation Model for Innovation Centers) to evaluate innovation sites and suggest effective management methods.

Now FCAJ and Keio University Graduate School will conduct a joint research on the effects of innovation centers, future centers, living labs and other places for open innovation. The purpose of this survey is to investigate what factors of places contribute successful innovation. We will conduct a survey on the strategic and actual status of innovation centers etc. on a global scale and share the results with relevant stakeholders. We’ve already received survey responses from 64 sites in Japan.

Your answers will be processed statistically, and no individual names or organizations will be identified. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

The survey targets companies, governments, universities, and research institutes that operate the "place" for innovation.
We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this survey.

[Survey form] Please answer questionnaire on your email.

[EMIC] Please see the attachment for an overview of EMIC.

EMIC (Evaluation Model for Innovation Center) 2019 Summary Report


[Keio University Graduate School]